1.18.2 / 進階內容 / Composter



The composter is an essential tool for making fertilizer. It needs both Green and Brown items to work. Different items contribute more to the amount of compost produced than others. To add an item to it, 右鍵. The items that can be added are described on later pages.

The composter just requires some Lumber and Dirt to make!

Composters operate better in certain conditions. Composters that have a block of snow on top work slightly faster. Composters in regions of less than 150mm or greater than 350mm of rainfall operate much slower, with that effect getting stronger closer to the maximum and minimum rainfall. Also, composters that are touching other composters work slower.


The composter at its empty, working, and complete stage.

The composter takes 12 days to complete in average conditions. When it is ready, it will have a dirt-like color and gray particles will be emitted from the top of it. The compost can then be retrieved with 右鍵 and Shift with an empty hand. Adding things like meat and bones to compost spoils it, turning it reddish and causing it to emit gross particles. The rotten compost can be removed in the same way as good compost. When used on a crop, it instantly kills it.

Rotten Compost


A rotten composter.

物品: #tfc:compost_greens_low

有一類綠色物品對堆肥桶貢獻較小, 例如草和類似的植物. 要滿足堆肥桶對綠色物品的需求, 你需要16個這類物品.

Tag: #tfc:compost_greens
Tag: #tfc:compost_greens

有一類綠色物品對堆肥桶貢獻中等, 例如穀物. 要滿足堆肥桶對綠色物品的需求, 你需要8個這類物品.

Tag: #tfc:compost_greens_high
Tag: #tfc:compost_greens_high

有一類綠色物品對堆肥桶貢獻很大, 例如水果和蔬菜. 要滿足堆肥桶對綠色物品的需求, 你需要4個這類物品.

Tag: #tfc:compost_browns_low
Tag: #tfc:compost_browns_low

有一類棕色物品對堆肥桶貢獻較小, 例如干蘆葦, 蕨類, 藤蔓, 以及落葉. 要滿足堆肥桶對棕色物品的需求, 你需要16個這類物品.

Tag: #tfc:compost_browns
Tag: #tfc:compost_browns

有一類棕色物品對堆肥桶貢獻中等, 例如草木灰和黃麻. 要滿足堆肥桶對棕色物品的需求, 你需要8個這類物品.

Tag: #tfc:compost_browns_high
Tag: #tfc:compost_browns_high

有一類棕色物品對堆肥桶貢獻很大, 例如西瓜, 南瓜, 枯萎的灌木, 松果, 以及浮木. 要滿足堆肥桶對棕色物品的需求, 你需要4個這類物品.

Tag: #tfc:compost_poisons
Tag: #tfc:compost_poisons
